Are you considering an audition tour of Germany and Austria? Not sure where to start? We can help save you both time and money! Send out your materials in advance of your travel to determine if it’s even worth the trip!
We maintain an extensive database of both houses and agents which we are constantly vetting and updating. Yes, you can spend HUNDREDS OF HOURS scouring the internet for this information, and it is all there, but half of it is out of date, does not specify what kind of artists these agencies represent, or does not have correct contact information.
That said, we do not sell our lists, but rather we create a customized package, inclusive of cover letters for both Agents and Houses for you to send out to the agents and houses you decide on.
You send us your relevant information using the form below and you will receive a PDF copy of your individually formatted and addressed letters.
- A draft letter will be sent to you (in English) so you can proof your individual contact information prior to delivery of final letters.
- Each letter will contain a email address, website, and house classification (if applicable). You simply copy and paste the letter into an email message and send it off with your PDF’d materials (resume, bio, repertoire list and headshot) as attachments. For those agents who do not accept electronic submissions, we will provide a separate PDF file for mailing purposes.
- A 20% non-refundable deposit is required on all orders.
- Final packages will be emailed to you once you have paid your entire invoice.
- We accept payments via Überweisung/SEPA (within Europe), International Bank Transfer (i.e. TransferWise) and PayPal and you will be supplied with an invoice for personal tax purposes.
- 1 Personalized Cover Letter (in German) for Houses and Agents merged with our database of houses and agents (approximately 200+ contacts)
- Formatted for Email
—— FLAT RATE: 450,00 Euro ——-
All rates quoted are in Euros. If you need your materials translated please see our Translation Services for information and rates.
Any additional services ordered with a Letter Package will be eligible for a 15% discount (excluding Translation Services).
DISCLAIMER: We can not guarantee that by sending your materials to houses and agents that you will be granted auditions. This is dependent on the current industry demands (i.e. vacancies and demand for new artists), your past experience, and the strength of your talent. You should be confident that you are ready to put yourself forward in this market since a bad impression can leave a lasting impression.